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Fourth Cycle of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC - Self-Study Report-2024
Self-Study Report-2024 Click Here
Third Cycle of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC - Self-Study Report-2017
Self-Study Report-2017 Volume - I & II

Guided by its vision and mission, Osmania University nurtures globally competitive skills among students with a quest for excellence, meeting the benchmarks of international standards of Higher Education. Furthermore, the University continuously strives to address national concerns regarding the quality and relevance of higher education by evaluating its strengths and weaknesses in curriculum, teaching, learning, evaluation, research, infrastructure development, and governance.

In the past, the University has volunteered for 'Assessment and Accreditation' with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) during 2001, 2008, and 2017. In the three previous accreditations, the University was graded with the highest rating due to the untiring efforts of all stakeholders over the years. The University, with its achievements and challenges, has continuously outperformed its competitors.

The University has been ranked among the top 10 universities in the country for the last decade by India Today - Nielsen survey based on performance radars. It also achieved the status of a 'University with Potential for Excellence' during the IX Plan, which secured its position as one of the top 15 universities in the country. After the third cycle of accreditation, the university has been recognized as a Category I University by UGC in 2017, which helped the university being recognized as one of the top 10 best state-funded universities in the countryand also enabling to competitively succeed in getting fundings under the RUSA scheme in 2019. Furthermore, the university has received substantial grants from DBT, DST, and UGC to enhance the research infrastructure and capabilities of the faculty in different thematic focused areas with a multidisciplinary approach.

Now, the University is ready for the 4th Cycle of 'Assessment and Accreditation'. As part of this protocol, the Self-Study Report is being prepared with inputs supplied with enthusiasm and vigor by all stakeholders of the University. The data obtained are carefully compiled and synthesized into a meaningful document reflecting the credentials and iterative improvements after the 3rd cycle of accreditation.