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Academic Information

Demand Notice for the M.Sc (Audiology), M.Sc(Speech Language Pathology) I & III Semesters Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for the B.P.Ed./D.P.Ed. Courses for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for PG (MA/ M.Com/ M.Sc/ MCJ/ MSW/ M.Lib.Sci.) Courses I Semester for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for PG (MA/ M.Com/ M.Sc/ MCJ/ MSW) Courses III Semester for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for Bachelor of Interior Design (CBCS) Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for Bachelor of Fashion Technology (CBCS) Course III & V Semester for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for M.E./M.Tech. Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for the LLB (3YDC) and LLB Honours Courses (III & V Semesters) Regular and BA LLB (5YDC), BBA LLB(5YDC) & B.Com LLB (5YDC) III,V, VII & IX Semester Regular for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for MBA III semester for the Academic Year 2024-2025
Demand Notice for MBA 5 Years Integrated courses III, V, VII & IX Semesters for the academic year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for First Year MBA 5 Years Integrated Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for MBA First Year Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for the LLB (3-YDC) & LLB Honours (3-YDC), BA LLB (5-YDC), BBA LLB (5YDC) and B.Com LLB (5YDC) Courses Regular I-Semester for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for the First and Secong Year MDHM Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to LL.B. (3YDC) BA LLB- (5 YDC), BBALLB-(5YDC), B.Com LLB-(5YDC), LLB (3YDC) (Hons) and LLM course(s) for the academic year 2025-2026.
Demand Notice for M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology II-year (Part-II) Course for the Academic Year 2022-2024 (Regular).
Demand Notice for B.E Second Year (III Semester) later entry and Second, Third and Fourth year (III, V & VII Semesters) B.E. Courses for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
To The Deans of Faculties and Principals - Revised Regulations of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) 2024-2025
To The Chairperson Board of Studies - Revised Regulations of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for Oriental Course(s) (Regular) for the academic year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for B.E First Year Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for the Course B.F.A (Applied Arts,Painting & Photography) Course I, III,IV,V VII& IX Semester(Regular)for for the Academic Year - 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for B.B.A(Fashion Management) & B.B.A (Fashion Design Management) Courses for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Reschedule of PG III Semester 1st Internal Assessment for the academic year 2024-2025.
Postponement of PG I & III Semesters 1st Internal Assessment for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation: Affiliated Colleges: Remittance of various fee to the university for UG courses for the Academic Year 2024-25.
Demand Notice for BCA (CBCS) 1st, 3rd and 5th Semesters of BCA Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for BHMCT/BCT&CA (CBCS) 1st, 3rd and 5th Semesters (Main & Backlog) & II &IV Semesters (Backlog) of Hotel Management Course for the Academic Year 2024-2025.
Circular: Affiliated private Degree & PG. Coleges under the Jurisdiction of Osmania University are informed to follow the Almanac strictly - Indefinite closure of colleges due to non-payment of RTF by Govt. wil lead to derailment of entire academic activity in an academic year.
Demand Notice for Semester-I (Regular) Examination-2024 - B.Sc Aircraft Maintenance-Mechanical, B.Sc Aircraft Maintenance-Avionics &B.Sc Aviation Course offered at Flytech Aviation Academy for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the UG (CBCS) BA/ B.Com/ B.Sc/ B.Sc(Hons.)/BBA /BSW (III & V Semesters Regular) for the Academic year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for PG Diploma in Early Intervention One Year(Regular& Backlog) (Year 2023-2024 batch) Course for the Academic year 2023-2024-Reg.
Affiliated UG/PG/Professional Colleges- Extension of provisional Affiliation for the academic year 2024-2025 -Communication to submit Encumbrance Certificate-Reg.
Admission on Transfer of students into II & III years (3rd & 5th semesters) of UG Courses during the academic year 2024-2025 - Extension of Last Date (Extended upto 09-08-2024).
Admission on Transfer of students into II & III year (3rd & 5th semesters) of UG Courses during the academic year 2024-2025 - Extension of Last Date for submission of application forms (Extended upto 03-08-2024).
Admission on Transfer of students into II & III year (3rd & 5th semesters) of UG Courses during the academic year 2024-2025 - Extension of Last Date for submission of application forms.
Demand Notice for the Professional BA SLP (CBCS) III & V Semesters Regular for the academic year 2023-2024.
Admission on Transfer of students into II & III years (3rd & 5th semesters) of Undergraduate Courses during the academic year 2024-2025.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed Special Education Course (III Semester) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the M.Ed. (Special Education) Course (III Semester) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Sanction of New Courses of introduction & Conversion of existing UG Courses and Change of Medium for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Sanction of New Courses of introduction & Conversion of existing PG Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
UG Programmes - Declaration of Summer Vacation and Reschedule of IInd Internal Assessment Test for II, IV, VI Semesters for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for Pharm.D (6 Years Course) (Main) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for Pharm.D (3YDC) (Post-Baccalaurate) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the M.Pharmacy First & Second Years Course for the Academic Year 2022-2024.
Demand Notice for the M.Ed. Course III Semester for the Academic Year 2022-2024.
Demand Notice for the M.Sc (Sports Nutrition & Applied Nutrition) I && II Year Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the 1st Year M.E/M.Tech Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed. 1st Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed. (Special Education) Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for M.Ed. Special Education (ID/HI) (I-Semester) I-Year I Semester Regular Courses for the Academic year 2023-2024
Demand Notice for BS-MS(Economics)-Five Year Integrated Dual Degree Program) I,III& V-Semester (Regular) Course for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the Professional B.A. SLP 1st Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
OU - CCE Regulations 2023 - Certain modification in the examination pattern pertaining to end semester examinations of MA/M.Com/M.Sc/MSW/MCJ/M.Lib.Sc/programmes - Suspension of certain clauses.
Affiliated Colleges - Visit of Inspection Committee to consider grant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Engineering Colleges to offer various UG and PG Engineering Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliated Colleges - Visit of Inspection Committee to consider grant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Pharmacy Colleges to offer various UG and PG Pharmacy Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MBA, MBA (5 Years Integrated) and MDHM Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MCA Course for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to colleges to offer BHMCT & BCT&CA courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to B.Ed./M.Ed./B.P.Ed/D.P.Ed. & Spl.Edn courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation- Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to UG colleges to offer B.A./B.Com/B.Sc/BBA/BCA courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
Affiliation - Affiliated/Autonomous Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to PG colleges to offer M.A/M.Com/M.Sc/M.A/ M.Li.Sc (Journalism & Mass Communication) /MSW courses for the academic Year 2024-025.
Demand Notice for Bachelor of Fashion Technology (III-Semester & II-Semester) Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the B.P.Ed./D.P.Ed. Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for LLM Course (Regular) (I-Semester) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the LL.B (3YDC)/LLB (5YDC) and BBA, LLB(5YDC) Courses Regular I Semester for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the Professional Psy. D. Clinical Psychology Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Osmania University - Advisories issued by the UGC regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (prevention, prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Demand Notice for the M.Phil(Clinical Psychology) I year & II year Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for B.Pharmacy Course for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for M.Sc/ M.Com/ MA/ MSW/ M.Lib.I.Sc./ MJ & MC CBCS I-Semester (CCE-Regular) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for B.B.A (Fashion Management) & B.B.A (Fashion Design Management) Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed. Course (III Semester) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for BS-MS (Computer Science - Five Year Integrated Dual Degree Program) I, III & V Semester (Regular) Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for M.Sc (Audiology), M.Sc (Speech Language Pathology) and MASLP Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Readmission into II, IV & VI Semesters of UG Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Extension of last date with late fee.
Demand Notice for III Semester PG (MA/ M.Com/ M.Sc./ MCJ/ MSW) Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Osmania Universtiy-UG Programmes -Declaration of Sankranti Vacation for Academic Year 2023-2024.
Osmania Universtiy-PG Programmes -Declaration of Sankranti Vacation for Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for Bachelor of Fashion Technology & Bachelor of Fashion & Apparel Technology Courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for The First Year MBA 5 Years integrated course for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for The First and Second Year MDHM course for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for MBA 5 Years Integrated Course III, V, VII & IX- Semester students for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for MBA III-Semester students for the Academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for Second year (III Semester) Lateral Entry and Second, Third and Fourth year (III, V & VII Semesters) B.E Course for the academic year 2023-2024
Demand Notice for the LLM Course III Semester Students for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the First year MBA course for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the LLB (3YDC) and LLB (Honours 3YDC) Courses (III and V Semesters) Regular and BA LLB (5YDC), BBA LLB(5YDC) & B.Com LLB(5YDC) III, V, VII & IX Semester Regular for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for the LLM Course III Semester Students for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for M.Ed Course 1st & 3rd Semester for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for B.E 1st Year Courses for the academic vear 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for Oriental Course(s) (Regular) for the academic year 2023-2024.
Re-title of Specialization in MBA III Sem. for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the university - Demand Notice for BFA Course I, III & V Semesters for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester of Hotel Management Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Affiliation - Remittance of Various fees to the University.
Orders: OU - Guidelines for Pursuing two academic programmes simultaneously - Implementation from the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional Affiliaion to L.L.B. (3YDC) BA LLB- (5 YDC), BBA LLB-(5YDC), B.Com LLB- (5YDC), LLB (3YDC) (Hons) and LLM course(s) for the academic year 2024-2025.
Osmania University:Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)Committee Login Instructions for Postgraduate programme for Continuous Assessment Faculty Members Reg.
CCE:Model Template for Internal Assessment & End Semester Examination
Demand Notice for the BCA I, III & V Semester Course for the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the university.
OU - Constitution of continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Grievances Redressal Committee.
Demand Notice: Affiliated Colleges-Remittance of various fees to the University for UG Courses for the academic year 2023-24 Demand Notice Regarding
Osmania University-PG Programmes -Induction Programme for the academic year 2023-2024
Circular: Declaration of Dussera Vacation from 14th October,2023 to 24th October,2023.
Readmission into B.A/ BBA/ BCA/ B.Sc/B.Com. (Gen)/ B.Com.(Comp.) /B.Com.(Voc.) /B.Com (Hons)/B.Com (Business Analytics)/B.S.W. Courses for the Academic year 2023- 2024 - Extension of last date upto 25-09-2023 with late fee.
Readmission into B.A/ BBA/ BCA/ B.Sc/ B.Com. (Gen)/ B.Com.(Comp.) /B.Com.(Voc.) /B.Com (Hons)/B.Com (Business Analytics)/B.S.W. Courses for the Academic year 2023- 2024 - Extension of last date with late fee.
Admission on Transfer of students into II & III years (3rd & 5th semesters) of Undergraduate Courses during the academic year 2023 - 2024 - Extension of last date.
Osmania University - All PG Courses - Declaration of Semester end Vacation from 16-09-2023 to 02-10-2023.
Osmania University-lntroduction of certain New Apprenticeship Embedded Programs (Skill Based) for Under Graduate students from the Academic Year 2023-2024 - Fixation of Fee structure-Approval Commutated- Reg.
Demand Notice for BA SLP I & II Year Course for the Academic Year 2023-24.
Revision of Fee Structure of UG (Regular/Self Financing) courses offered at Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of Osmania University for implementation from the Academic Year 2023-2024.
Admission on transfer of Students into II & III Year (3rd and 5th Semesters) of UG courses during the academic year 2023-2024.
Note: Last Date Extended upto 26th August, 2023 with a penal fee of Rs. 500/-
Fee Refund Policy 2023-24 by University Grants Commission (UGC).
Permission to conduct Meeting of General English Evaluation for all Degree Colleges Affiliated to Osmania University.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges Sanction of new courses of introduction & Conversion of existing UG Courses and change of Medium for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges Sanction of New Courses of introduction & Conversion of existing PG Courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation: BHMCT & BCT&CA Courses-Schedule to start the enrollment process for the academic year 2023-2024.
Osmania University- Rationalization of courses and Intake in the U.G.Colleges for the academic year 2023-2024- Information communicated.
CIRCULAR:This is to inform all the Principals of Osmania University Campus, Constituent and Affiliated Colleges offering Post Graduate Programmes/ Courses Under the jurisdiction of Osmania University that the University has decided to declare the Summer Vacation for all PG Colleges from 13/05/2023 to 04/06/2023 (both days inclusive). The colleges will reopen on 05/06/2023..
CIRCULAR:This is to inform all the Principals of University Constituent and Affiliated Colleges offering Degree Programmes/Courses Under the jurisdiction of Osmania University that the University has decided to declare the Summer Vacation for all UG Colleges from 24/05/2023 to 18/06/2023 (both days inclusive). The colleges will reopen on 19/06/2023.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to colleges to offer BHMCT & BCT&CA courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to LLB (3YDC), BA LLB (5YDC), BBALLB (5YDC), B.Com LLB (5YDC), LLB (3YDC) (Hons.) and LLM courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to B.Ed./M.Ed./B.P.Ed./D.P.Ed. & Spl.Edn. courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to PG colleges to offer MA/ M.Com/ M.Sc/ MA/ M.Li.Sc.(Journalism and Mass Communication)/ MSW courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Remittance of various fees to the University for the M.Sc (Spl. Edn.) Courses for the academic year 2022-2023.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to UG Colleges to offer BA/ B.Com/ B.Sc/ BBA/ BCA courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliated Colleges - Visit of Inspection Committee to consider grant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Pharmacy Colleges to offer various UG and PG Pharmacy Courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MCA Course for the academic year 2O23-2024.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MBA Course for the academic year 2023-2024.
Affiliated Colleges - Visit of Inspection Committee to consider grant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Engineering Colleges to offer various UG and PG Engineering Courses for the academic year 2023-2024.
Demand Notice for LLM III Semester Students for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice For the, M,.Ed. special Education courses for the Academic year 2022-23
Demand Notice for the B.Ed. Special Educaiton courses for the Academic year 2022-23.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed Course for the academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the B.P.Ed./D.P.Ed. Courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for M.Pharmacy First Year Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for Second Year M.Pharmacy Courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the B.A.LLB (5YDC) and B.Com.LL.B (5YDC) Courses (III & V Semesters) for the Academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the LL.B (3YDC)/LLB (5YDC) and BBA.LLB (5YDC) Courses Regular I Semester for the Academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for LL.M Courses (Regular) (I-Semester) for the Academic year-2022-23.
Demand Notice for the LLB (3YDC) and LLB(Hons) (3YDC) Courses (III Semester) For the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for MBA III-Semester Students for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for MCA II-Year Students for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for 3rd year (I-Semester) BHM&CT/BCT&CA course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the Ist year MCA course for the Academic Year 2022-2023
Demand Notice for the M.Ed Course (III Semester) for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for M.Ed Course 1st Semester for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for M.Sc/M.Com/MA/MSW/MA(Journalism & Mass Communication) 1st Year regular courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for B.Pharmacy First year course (Main) for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for Second Year, Third Year and Fourth Year B.Pharmacy Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the 1st and 2nd Year ME, M.Tech Courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for Oriental Course(s) (Regular) for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the First Year MBA Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the Psychology Diploma Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for the Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for the M.Phil.(Rehabilitation Psychology & Clinical Psychology) Courses for the year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for III Semester PG (MA/ M.Com/ M.Sc/ MCJ/ MSW) Courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Affiliation - Remittance of various Fees to the University - Demand Notice for the BCA I Semester Course for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Remittance of various Fees to the University for UG Courses for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for Second Year (III Semester) Lateral Entry and Second, Third and Fourth Year (III,V& VII -Semesters) B.E. Courses for the Academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for B.E I Year Courses for the Academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for 1st and 3rd Semester of Hotel Management Courses for the Academic year2022-2023.
Orders: Enhancement of Academic Records Inspection Fee from Rs.100/- to Rs.300/- to all affiliated and autonomous colleges under jurisdiction of OU with effect from the academic year 2022-2023 onwards.
Demand Notice for BA, B.Com, B.Sc and BBA III & V Semester (Regular) Examinations for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for LLB, BA LLB (5-YDC), BBA LLB (5-YDC) & B.Com LLB (5-YDC) VII & IX Semester Regular for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
DEMAND NOTICE FOR THE ADVANCE P.G. DIPLOMA 4-SEMESTER (2- YEARS) duration courses in Medical Informatics, Physician Assistant, Health Insurance & Billing, Emergency Medical Care, Medical Imaging Technology, Anesthesia Technology, Dialysis Technology, Respiratory Theraphy, Echo cardiography and Sonography, Cath Lab Technology, Operation Theatre Technology, Medical Lab Technology, Healthcare Mgmt I-Semester (Regular) 2019-2020 (2019 admitted batch) November/December-2022.
Readmission into PG Courses viz. M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com. / MSW / MCJ / M.Lib.I.Sc./ M.P.Ed. I & III Semesters for the academic year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the M.Ed. Course (III Semester) for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
Demand Notice for the PG Diploma in Early Intervention Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Admission on transfer into UG courses for the academic year 2022-2023 - Extension of last date.
Re - admission into UG courses - Extension of last date.
Admissions- Admission on Transfer of students into II & III year (3rd & 5th semesters) of Undergraduate Courses during the academic year 2022-2023 Instructions-Issued.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Remittance of various fees to the University for BFA Course for the academic year 2021-22
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of Extension of provisional affiliation to B.Ed/M.Ed/D.P.Ed/B.P.Ed and Spl.Edn Courses for the academic year 2022-2023 - Reg.
Revised Almanac of PG Courses Viz., M.A. / M.sc. / M.Com. / MSW / MCJ / M.Lib.lSc./ M.P.Ed. II & IV Semesters for the academic year 2021-2022.
Affiliation-Affiliated Colleges-Grant of extension of Provisional Affiliation to PG Colleges/Courses to offer M.Sc/M.Com/M.A/BLisc/MCJ and MSW Courses for the academic year 2022-23 - Reg.
Affiliation-Affiliated Colleges-Online/Offline Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MBA / MCA courses for the academic year 2022-2023-Reg.
Affiliation- Affiliation Colleges- Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to UG Colleges to offer B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./BBA/BCA Courses for the academic year 2022-2023.
Form-B: Application for Grant of Affiliation to New (Conversion) UG Courses / Combinations / Additional Sections for the Academic year 2022-2023.
Affiliated Colleges:Visit of Inspection Committee to consider grant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Pharmacy Colleges to offer various UG and PGPharmacy Courses for the academic year 2022-2023-Reg
Affiliation:Affiliated Colleges Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MCA Course for the academic year 2022-2023-Reg.
Affiliation:Affiliated Colleges Inspection for considering grantof extension of provisional affiliation to offer MBA Course for theacademic year 2022-2023-Reg.
Affiliated Colleges:Visit of Inspection Committee to considergrant of extension of provisional affiliation to the Engineering Colleges to offer various UG and PG Engineering Courses for the academic year 2022-2023-Reg.
AAffiliation:Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer MBA (5-Year Integrated Degree) Course/MBA (Part-Time) Course/MDHM Coursefor theacademic year 2022-2023-Reg.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer Hotel Management Courses for the academic year 2022-2023.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection of Law college(s) for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer LL.B(3&5 YDC), (BBALLB- 5 YDC) B.Com LLB-5 YDC, LL.B (Hons) and LL.M Course(s) for the academic year 2022-23 - Reg.
To all the Principals of Colleges of offering UG courses, under the Jurisdiction of O.U - Furnishing information whether College is Aided or Unaided along with Fee Structure for UG Courses.
Demand Notice for BS-MS(Computer Science) Five Year Integrated Dual Degree Course (Regular) 1st Year 1st Semester for the Academic Year 2021-22.
Demand Notice for M.Ed Special Education (M.R/I.D) Course I and III Semesters for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
Demand Notice for M.Ed Course I Semester for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for LL.M Course(s)(Regular) I- Semester for the Academic Year 2021-22.
Demand Notice for the B.Ed 1st and 3rd Semester Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for LLB(3-YDC)/LLB(5-YDC) and BBA,LLB(5-YDC) Course(s) (Regular) I-Semester for the Academic Year 2021-22.
Demand Notice for the M.Sc Sports Nutrition and Applied Nutrition I and II Year Course for the Academic Year 2021-22.
Demand Notice for Pharm.D (3YDC) (Post-Baccalaureate) (Main) for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for Pharm.D (6 Years Course) (Main) for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for B.Pharmacy First Year Course (Main) for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for M.Pharmacy First Year Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for Second Year M.Pharmacy Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for M.Sc/M.Com/M.A/MSW/M.A ()Journalism & Mass Communication) I-Year & II Year Regular Courses have to remit the following fees to the University for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for B.E Courses Offered at Autonomous Engineering Colleges for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for the First Year MCA Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for LLM III Semester Students for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for LLB(3YDC) and LLB(5YDC) Courses, III Semester Students for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Affiliation- Affiliated Colleges- Grant of extension of provisional affiliation to UG colleges to offer B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./BBA/BCA courses for the academic year 2022-2023- Conduct of Inspections-Academic Information Called for-Reg.
Demand Notice for 3rd Year (I-Semester) BHM&CT/BCT&CT Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for the First Year MBA Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for Oriental Course(s) (Regular) for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
OU-Implementation of UGC Gazette Notification and the Policy Framed by Osmania University for Anti-Plagiarism w.e.f 01-11-2020-Reg
Demand Notice for the 1st Year M.E/M.Tech. Courses for the Academic year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for Second Year M.E/M.Tech Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Affiliation: Forwarding the list of UG Colleges included in DOST-2021 Request to approve the nominal rolls- Reg
Demand Notice for the BCA I,III & V Semesters Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for MBA III -Semester students for the academic year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for Second Year, Third Year and Fourth year B.Pharmacy Course for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for Second year (III Semester) Lateral Entry and Second, Third and Fourth year (III,V & VII- Semesters) B.E Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Affiliation- Affiliated Colleges- Remittance of various fees to the University for UG Courses for the academic year 2021-22.
Demand Notice For BE I Year Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022.
Circular: Osmania University, Hyderabad, T.S. - Clarifications on equivalence / relevance or appropriateness of nomenclature of degrees in Engineering and Technology to teaching positions/ promotions / CAS in Affliated Engineering Colleges - Circular - Issued.
Circular: Affiliated UG Colleges Extension of provisional affiliation for the academic year 2021-2022 - Communication to submit Encumbrance Certificate Reg
Demand Notice for 1st Year 1st Semester of Hotel Management Courses for the Academic year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for MCA III Year Students for the Academic year 2021-2022
Osmania University: Enhancement of fee structure for M.PEd program from the academic year 2021-22.
Demand Notice for the Professional Diploma in Clinical Psychology Course for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
Demand Notice for the M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) Course for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
Demand Notice for the Psy.D Course for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
Demand Notice for the M.Phil (Rehabilitation Psychology) Course for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
ADMISSIONS - Admission on Transfer of students into II & III year (3rd & 5th semesters) of Undergraduate Courses during the academic year 2021-2022.
Circular: Osmania University - Revision of Fee Structure of PG(Regular/Self Financing) courses offered at University Campus & Constituent College/District PG Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of Osmania University from the academic year 2021-2022.
Demand Notice for Pharm D (3-YDC) (Post Baccalaureate) (Main) for the academic year 2020-2021.
Demand Notice for Pharm D (6 Years Course) (Main) for the academic year 2020-2021.
Affiliated Colleges - Grant of Extension of Provisional Affiliation for the academic year 2021-22 Fulfilment of deficiencies pointed by the Inspection/ Scrutiny Commitee during the last academic year 2020-21 - Certain Instructions - Issued.
Form-C: Application for Grant of Affiliation to New PG Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022
Demand Notice for the M.Ed Course for the academic year 2020-2021
The College(s) offering M.Sc/M.Com/M.A./MSW/M.A.( Journalism & Mass Communication) 1-Year Regular Courses have to remit the following fees to the University for the academic year 2020-21, through Demand Draft from any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the Registrar, Osmania University and obtain No Dues Certificate from the Deputy Registrar (Academic) O.U.
OU - CBCS Structure guidelines from the Academic Year 2019-20 Award of Grades as per UGC frame work - Implementation from the Academic Year 2021-22 to the 1st year UG Programs - Communication - Reg.
Affiliation - Affiliated Colleges - Inspection for considering grant of extension of provisional affiliation to offer Hotel Management Courses for the Academic Year 2021-2022 - Reg.
Affiliation - BHMCT & BCTCA Courses - Schedule to start the enrollment process for the academic year 2021-2022 - Reg.
Demand Notice for LLM Course(s) (Regular) I- Semster for the academic year 2020-2021
Form-B: Application for Grant of Affiliation to New (Conversion) UG Courses / Combinations / Additional Sections for the Academic year 2021-2022.