NAAC A+ Grade | Category I University | UPE
Know more about UniversityOsmania University has been selected for funding under the RUSA 2.0 programme of the MHRD, Government of India under Component 4 (Quality and Excellence in select State Universities (New)) and Componet 13 (Faculty Improvement).
As desired by the funding agency, the RUSA 2.0 programme is executed by Osmania University through a Special Purpose Vehicle - OU Idea Labs Foundation - A Section 8 Company registered under the Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India. OU Idea Labs Foundation is governed by the Board of Directors headed by the Managing Director.
Composition of the Board of Directors
Managing Director
Prof. S. Ramachandram
Prof. Ch. Gopal Reddy
Prof. S. Satyanarayana Singh
Smt. Annapurna Valle
Shri. Navin Mittal IAS
Dr. Vijay Kumar Devarakonda
Dr. C. Srinivasulu
Prof. Sriram Venkatesh
Dr. Soundarya Joseph
(Quality and Excellence in select State Universities (New))
Under the Component 4 of RUSA 2.0, Osmania University aims to establish a Technology Business Incubator and six Centres of Excellence. Besides these, it is proposed to convert 100 classrooms into technology-enabled classrooms, establish high performance computing facility, procure need-based equipment for Science, Engineering and Technology departments. Repairs and renovation of University Guest House and construction of boundary wall for Tagore auditorium. All these activities will be taken up under the head 'Construction and Equipment - Creation of New Facilities'.
While, under the head 'Quality Enhancement and Improvement in Teaching and Research', the major component of the grant will be utilized for enhancing and improving the quality in teaching and research,through provision of many facilities to the stakeholders. The University aims at achieving the targets in the next two years and the reaching of milestones will be dependent on the timely release of grants.
The following initiatives under RUSA 2.0 are proposed:
I. Construction & Equipment
1. Establish OU Technology Business Incubator
2. Establish the following Centres of Excellence:
3. Create Technology enabled classrooms (100 nos)
4. Establishment of High-performance computing
5. Auditorium - Construction of boundary wall for Tagore Auditorium
6. Equipment for teaching labs of Science, Engineering & Technology departments as required
7. Repairs and renovation of Guest House
II. Quality enhancement and improvement in teaching and research
1. Software for Library / reference databases / GIS and Statistical Software
2. Chemicals / consumables for departments
3. Support for UG/PG student project works (non-professional and professional programmes)
4. Post-Doctoral Fellowships under the Centres of Excellence
5. Visiting/Adjunct faculty (national & international)
6. Faculty & student exchange programme
7. Outreach and Public Engagement
8. Promotion of research & entrepreneurial activities
9. Research and Development support for faculty members (support for chemicals and consumables)
10. Campus automation and e-governance
11. Reimbursement of publication cost for research papers in journals with >4.0 IF in Scopus Database
12. Support for Patent/Technology Transfer
13. Mentoring other institutions
14. Purchase of books for General and Departmental libraries
15. Financial support for publication of books with ISBN by faculty
16. Financial support for publication of Thesis by non-scholarship/fellowship holding research scholars
17. Financial support for conduct of Seminars / Conferences / Symposia / Workshops / Faculty Development Programs by the faculty
18. Financial support for International Travel for presenting research papers in Seminars / Conferences / Symposia & to attend training Workshops by the faculty
19. Training Workshops (for conduct at University & attending outside University) for the non- teaching staff
20. Learning aids for persons with disabilities (divyangs)
(Faculty Improvement)
Under the Component 13 of RUSA 2.0, Osmania University aims to upgrade and modernize the Human Resource Development Centre.
Details of six Centres of Excellence established under the RUSA 2.0 programme in Osmania University are provided below.
Study and conduct research on biodiversity of Telangana State, map the biodiversity, barcode selected taxa, and disseminate knowledge on biodiversity and conservation
Conduct research on microbial and fermentation technology.
Conduct research and provide services in the field of cyber security and cyber law.
Study and research in the field of 3-D printing.
Study, research and enable stakeholders in matters pertaining to Telangana culture, traditions, etc.
Study and research pertaining to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's views on sociopolitical and constitutional issues.
Osmania Technology Business Incubator is established under the MHRD RUSA 2.0 programme to strenghten the innovation and entrepruenership amongst the stakeholders of the University, provide support with respect to ideation, incubation and product launch through mentoring and other activities
Click on the link of the Centres to access advertisement and online application.