
Prof.Kumar Molugaram

Dept of Civil Engineering, & Vice-Chancellor
Osmania University.

The Vice-Chancellor is the academic and executive head of the University. The Vice-Chancellor provides both academic and administrative leadership. The Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Government. A search committee, consisting of nominees of the State Government, University and University Grants Commission prepares a panel of names, for the purpose. Based on this panel, the Government makes its selection. The Vice-Chancellor is appointed for a three year term and is eligible for reappointment for one more term.

The Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman of the Executive Council and Academic Senate. As such the Vice-Chancellor plays a pivotal role in formulating policies and taking major decisions - both academic and administrative. Although the Vice-Chancellor is empowered to take decisions by himself, yet the Vice-Chancellor very seldom exercises this option. The Vice-Chancellor is the appointing authority of all the officers of the University, including the heads of Departments, Chairmen of Boards of Studies, Principals etc. The Vice-Chancellor exercises control over the University's finances and keeps a watch on the performance of different academic and administrative wings. The reputation and image of the University broadly depends on the dynamism, vision and leadership provided by the Vice-Chancellor

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