Dept of Civil Engineering, & Vice-Chancellor Osmania University.
The Vice-Chancellor is the academic and executive head of the University. The Vice-Chancellor provides both academic and administrative leadership. The Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Government. A search committee, consisting of nominees of the State Government, University and University Grants Commission prepares a panel of names, for the purpose. Based on this panel, the Government makes its selection. The Vice-Chancellor is appointed for a three year term and is eligible for reappointment for one more term.
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman of the Executive Council and Academic Senate. As such the Vice-Chancellor plays a pivotal role in formulating policies and taking major decisions - both academic and administrative. Although the Vice-Chancellor is empowered to take decisions by himself, yet the Vice-Chancellor very seldom exercises this option. The Vice-Chancellor is the appointing authority of all the officers of the University, including the heads of Departments, Chairmen of Boards of Studies, Principals etc. The Vice-Chancellor exercises control over the University's finances and keeps a watch on the performance of different academic and administrative wings. The reputation and image of the University broadly depends on the dynamism, vision and leadership provided by the Vice-Chancellor
Osmania University is re-accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (an Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission) as 'A+' Grade University.
Osmania University has been selected for funding under the RUSA 2.0 programme of the MHRD, Government of India under Component 4 (Quality and Excellence in select State Universities (New)) and Componet 13 (Faculty Improvement).
I am happy to share with you that Osmania University is making rapid progress in academics, research and strengthening of infrastructure for gaining a universal identity. For the past five consecutive years, we have retained our place among the top ten 'Best Universities' in the country. This is testimony based on a plethora of surveys conducted by reputed agencies which led to the undisputable inference that Osmania University deserves one of the highest grading.
The Best Universities Survey 2014 of the Week-Hansa Research report (The Week, June 1, 2014) and India Today-Neilsen report (India Today, June 30, 2014) bear testimony to the fact that Osmania University stands out proudly, occupying prominent place confirming to exemplary standards of the academic and research barometer. Osmania University holds the coveted second position (India-Neilsen Survey 2014) and the fourth position (Week- Hansa Survey 2014) among the best State Universities of the nation. Both the surveys reiterate that OU is the best placing it on top position among State Universities in South India.
I congratulate all the teachers, research scholars, students and staff on all the treasured achievements for the committed service and dedication they have shown to enhance the image of the University. Further, I extend due credit for the concerted efforts of all the stakeholders, who contributed to steer the available resources in order for us to reach the zenith of success. With your continued earnest cooperation, I am confident that the 3rd Cycle of Accreditation will be fruitful and the University will achieve the highest score.
With best wishes,
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