(Established in 1977 )
Originally named, Institute of Correspondence Courses and founded in 1977, the Centre changed its name in 1989 to be in tune with the emergence of distance education as an alternative mode of learning. The National Policy on Education 1986 (revised in 1992) says, "The Open Learning System has been initiated in order to augment opportunities for higher education, as an instrument of democratising education and to make it a lifelong process". The Centre has steadily increased its courses both Under Graduate and Post-Graduate and has plans for starting new courses having job opportunities. The Under Graduate and Post-Graduate programmes in Humanities and Social Sciences are also offered under learner motivated and paced open learning system.
The flexibility and innovativeness of the Open Learning System are particularly suited to the diverse requirements of the citizens of the country, including those who have joined the vocational stream. Its ideas and innovations, and the application of technologies in providing convenient and cost effective programmes of education are now widely recognized and appreciated. It has designed, developed and delivered high quality academic programmes. The learning packages produced by the Open Universities and distance education centres have been well received by the students, the professionals and public. The demand for expansion of higher education will continue to rise. The number of persons, including working people, who are desirous of developing their personalities, is increasing. The Open Universities and distance education centres are strategically placed to respond to this demand effectively.
The Centre offers the following courses:
MA in Political Science, English, Hindi, Telugu, Philosophy, Public Personnel Management, History, Sanskrit, Sociology and Urdu
PG Diploma in Business Management and English Language Teaching
The Computer Laboratory equipped with the latest systems provides students with excellent computing and networking facilities. While the Centre is updating some of its courses by introducing new syllabi and additional papers, it is also planning to introduce more new courses in the area of Computer Applications. The present enrolment at the center in all courses is over 45,000 with women comprising 45%.
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