Students Activities
Student Extra-curricular activities

Student Extra-curricular activities

Extra-Curricular Activities / Sports (2011-2017)
1 Rukmath won 1st prize in Chess and Carrom Competitions (under handicapped category)
2 Mr.K.Sharath Kumar and Mr.Venkatesh Rathod won National level yatching Competition in 2017.
3 Mr.Timappa played National level Ball Batminton competition in 2017.
4 Mr.Jagadish won National level Competition in Rowing in 2017.
5 A team consisting of students from both 2015-17 and 2016-18 batches won II prize in the Volley ball Competition at the college level.
6 Ms Alekhya won II prize in Batminton competition at the college level.
7 Mr.R.Sathish won II prize in the folk singing competition conducted by the college.
8 Mr.Chaitanya and Mr.Srivishnu won the 2nd prize, Ms Shaheela Afreen an Ms.Azeeza won 4th Prize and Mr.K.Naveen Kumar and Mr Vinay Kumar won 6th Prize in Chem Quiz Competition on 14th & 15th April 2017.
9 Ms.Adula Shravya won 1st prize, Mr.P.Chandrasekhar won 2nd prize
10 Mr.K.Lingam won 3rd prize in elocution competition in the Chem Fest.
11 Mr. K. Lingam won 2nd prize in Just-a-Minute competition in the Chem Fest.
12 Mr. P.Sunil kumar, Mr.P.Chandrasekhar, Mr.S K Shanou Baba, Mr. J. Ravindra Chary and Mr.K.Anji won 1st prize in the Skit competition conducted for Chem Quest.