ఉస్మానియా విశ్వవిద్యాలయం, తెలుగు శాఖ

telugudept1919@gmail.com +91 40-27682294


Vision & Mission

VISIONఉస్మానియా విశ్వవిద్యాలయం, తెలుగు శాఖ

    • To establish a Language lab to improve the skills of Pronunciation/Communication Skills
    • Take up a project on ‘Telangana Language and Literature’ - an initiative to reconstruct and rejuvenate the history of Telangana literature
    • Efforts to take up the research project under SAP
    • To establish a Research Centre on Tribal Lore
    • To bring out a VIVECHANA Volume of 100 years in the occasion of Centenary celebrations of Telugu department.

MISSIONఉస్మానియా విశ్వవిద్యాలయం, తెలుగు శాఖ

    • To develop educational standards among the faculty members of the department of Telugu.
    • To encourage research in the fields of language, classical and Modern Literature, Folk and Tribal Literature.
    • We Organize seminars, workshops, Conferences, Lectures, Popular lectures by the experts in particular subjects to motivate our P.G. Students, Ph.D., Scholar and faculty members of our constituent college.
    • We take initiatives to publish books from the department to inculcate enthusiasm among the faculty members as well as in the literary society.
    • To conduct meetings & workshops for degree college lectures to improve their teaching skills and to develop their interest towards research.