
Alumni Associations

In an effort to keep in touch with the alumni, the UCS has embarked on establishing an Alumni Foundation at each of its departments. A very large network of our alumni sustains our link with employers in finding suitable placements in leading organizations for our outgoing post-graduate students.

The UCS is always proud of its alumni who have spread far and wide the world over and distinguished themselves in various walks of life. Their concern and commitment for the cause of their alma mater has always been commendable. The UCS always considers its alumni as a source of strength and support in its endeavours of achieving academic excellence. The college seeks the active involvement of its alumni in institutional development and in strengthening its outreach mechanisms. The alumni are considered as partners in progress of their alma mater. The UCS unfolds before them a series of opportunities to serve this great University through the department of their choice.

Opportunities to serve the alma mater

The alumni can help in promoting/undertaking joint research with faculty and scholars at UCS in the departments of their choice and share the benefit of their experience/ expertise. They can come forward to institute Chairs / Trusts / Endowments / Buildings which can be named after their beloved. They can promote scholarships for encouraging the talented poor youth for pursuing higher education at their alma mater. Today the state funding has dwindled and the College/University has to now look for generation of income from internal sources and explore external avenues and alternative ways and means. It is here that their role assumes critical significance and great importance. The science departments want to strengthen and modernize their infrastructure in order to create the right atmosphere for promoting the academic excellence.